Selected Academic Publications
Brownian Carnot Engine (Martínez et al. Nat. Phys. 2016). An experimental realization of the Carnot cycle with a single Brownian particle.
Stochastic thermodynamics of hidden pumps (Esposito, JMRP. PRE 2015). Hidden driving and separation of time scales can yield counterintuitive effects regarding entropy production in chemical networks.
Stochastic Thermodynamics
Information thermodynamics
Quantum thermodynamics
Paradoxical games
Thermodynamics of information (JMRP, Horowitz, Sagawa. Nat. Phys. 2015). A review on the thermodynamics of information, the Maxwell demon, and feedback control.
Maxwell demons in phase space (JRMP, Granger. Eur. Phys. J. 2015). How information and feedback affects the trajectories of an isolated system in phase space?
Molecular motor efficiency is maximized in the presence of both power-stroke and rectification through feedback (Schmitt, JMRP, Linke, Johansson. New J. Phys. 2015). A simple hybrid model that morphs from pure information engine to a pure chemical engine.
Imitating Chemical Motors with Optimal Information Motors (Horowitz, Sagawa, JMRP. PRL 2013). A chemical motor and an information motor with the same dynamics but different thermodynamics.
Nonequilibrium potential and fluctuation theorems for quantum maps (Manzano, Horowitz, JMRP. PRE 2015). We introduce a non-equilibrium potential to derive fluctuation theorems for (almost) arbitrary quantum maps.
Entropy production along nonequilibrium quantum jump trajectories (Horowitz, JMRP. New J. Phys. 2011). A thermodynamic analysis of the cavity QED setup.
Energetics of Brownian motors: A review (JMRP, Jiménez. App. Phys. A, 2002).
Reversible ratchets as Brownian particles in an adiabatically changing periodic potential (PRE, 1998). Disipationless transport.
Criticism of Feynman's analysis of the ratchet as an engine (JMRP, Español. Am. J. Phys. 1996). The Feynman ratchet revisited.
Brownian motion and gambling: From ratchets to paradoxical games (JMRP, Dinis. Cont. Phys. 2004). A review onn experimental realization of the Carnot cycle with a single Brownian particle.
Paradoxical games and Brownian thermal engines (JMRP, Jiménez. Rev. Esp. Física, 2001). The relationship between Brownian motors and paradoxical games.
New Paradoxical Games Based on Brownian Ratchets (JMRP, Harmer , Abbott. PRL, 2000). Capital independent paradoxical games.